Drama Club
CCA Teachers-in-Charge
Miss Lee Yee Hueh (OIC)
Mdm Nurulain Nadiah
CCA Advisor
Mdm Jeanna Goh
CCA Day and Time
2.15 pm to 4.15 pm
CCA Venue
Band Room
About CCA
Drama Club aims to instill in its members skills that are important as a performer and beyond. It also provides a platform for students to express themselves creatively on stage, online as well as off-stage.
Confident Individuals
Students are mainly exposed to processes in relation to movement, dramatization and voice works, supported by various warm up games. The processes will eventually lead to mini-showcases held in the session itself. As students work on their craft, they are also working towards becoming more confident individuals.
Good Communicators and Team Players
Besides working individually, students are also given opportunities to work in team, where they work on piecing their ideas together in devised works. Students will also learn to manage conflicts that may arise from discussions; teachers will intervene and assist only when necessary. These experiences will hopefully allow students to improve on their communication skills and on becoming better team players.
Reflective Learners
Time is given for students to share their highs and lows on their experiences in Drama Club, either in-between processes or at the end of each session. Expectations are set for the students to respect one another’s views and that no judgment is passed.
CCA Participation
Each year, Drama Club provides students the opportunity to perform on one or more of the following platforms:
- Chinese New Year Concert
- English Language Week
- Learning Extravaganza
- National Day Celebration
- Prize Giving Ceremony